If you have been looking for quality, well-priced sporting goods, garden tools, house wares, furniture, electrical appliances and equipment, toys, games, books or collectibles, look no further! It can all be found at the Club's Yard Sale on the dates above. And if this is not enough excitement for you, we will also be holding a Bake Sale on site with all kinds of home baked "incredible-edibles"!
This year's event will have the largest selection of items at the best prices seen since our last Yard Sale two years ago. So... be sure to come to the Club at the fairgrounds to find those treasures you were looking for as well as those you might not have realized you wanted!
Also should you have some gently used items (other than clothing, tires and a few other items*) that you would like to donate for this event, we would certainly appreciate them. The Club will be open to receive donations at the following dates and times:
·Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, June 2 - from 4 to 7 pm ·Saturday, June 3 and Sunday, June 4 - from 9 am to 2 pm ·Monday, June 5 and Tuesday, June 6 - from 4 to 7 pm